“Trust me, I’m with MIOSHA.”

At a recent ABC new member meeting I started my introduction with “Don’t worry, I’m here from the government, and I’m here to help.” Most everyone laughed… it is a joke that rings true for a lot of people, and this is precisely the largest obstacle that the MIOSHA Alliance with ABC faces.

When I sat down with Jimmy Green last year to discuss the goals for the renewal of the MIOSHA Alliance there was no shortage of ideas of how to create value for ABC members in improving their safety and health. During the discussion Jimmy looked me dead in the eye and said “Mark, we need to build trust.” And he was right.  There is a pervasive belief that working with or reaching out to MIOSHA results in “being on the radar” or on “a list” that will result in enforcement visits. On the face, you may think this seems possible or even probable. However, nothing could be further from the truth.  Here are a few facts to help dispel popular misconceptions:

·        MIOSHA Consultation, Education, & Training (CET) division is not affiliated with enforcement. CET and enforcement are separate divisions within MIOSHA. We have separate management and leadership. While we do interact on occasion, we have strict policies on sharing information, calendar access, and client information.  If I colluded with enforcement to put people on a “list” who were simply asking for help, I would lose my job (and rightfully so).

·        MIOSHA does not fund itself through penalties. MIOSHA has no vested interest in issuing citations. Monetary fines go directly to the State of Michigan General Fund, not towards us keeping the lights on.  We are judged by reducing injury and illness rates of Michigan workers. While citation have their purpose, undermining the working relationships that CET works to establish would do far more harm than good and ultimately be counterproductive to our mission.

·        MIOSHA’s policy is to educate before we regulate. We are able to reach many more people and have a greater impact on worker health and safety by taking a proactive approach and preventing injuries through training and education. Enforcement activity can only go so far in reacting to violations and injuries. The robust and interactive programs that are offered through CET have a long-lasting impacting the prevention of injury through training and education that remains effective long after the CET visit.

Now that we discussed some of the things that MIOSHA’s CET division doesn’t do, let’s talk about what they can do for ABC members. We offer training, consultative service and advice, feedback on creating effective safety and health management systems, jobsite walkthroughs (often called a mock inspection), guidance on compliance, and advice on how to protect employees.  All of this is free of charge, and is not associated with fines or citations.  We have consultants who specialize in construction, general industry, and even have industrial hygienists available to provide assistance.  In short, CET staff are here to help answer your questions, navigate compliance, protect your employees, and get better as a company… without putting you on “a list”.

For more information contact your local ABC Chapter or MIOSHA CET at: 989-517-7720 – www.michigan.gov/miosha - cetrca@michigan.gov or the MIOSHA Alliance Liaison for ABC, Mark Ginter, at 989-280-0546 or ginterm@michigan.gov

How to be a better contractor

As a professional, how often do you take advantage of opportunities to get better? Admittedly, this means different things to different people, but most will think of taking advantage of training and education opportunities. Training classes, professional seminars, advice from accountants and other business owners, and even lessons learned from previous jobs all contribute to your knowledge base and help you be better than you were… and prevent you from re-visiting past mistakes.  When the opportunity arises to learn something from an expert in another trade or industry, we jump on the chance. Why? Because it is how we come better at what we do.  Each interaction teaches us something new and we become a little bit better than we were. This is the wonder of new technology; we have instant access to massive amounts of information to continuously improve our skill base.  We can access the skills and expertise of others that make our path to improvement much easier.  With limited time and resources, why not let someone else do the heavy lifting for you.

But what about safety?  Quite often it is looked as a ‘thing’. People talk about safety as though it is a Netflix subscription; you either have it or you don’t.  Equally as common is the “safety is common sense” approach.  Nothing could be further from the truth though. If safety were indeed simply ‘common sense’ it would indicate that injuries only happen to dumb people or that they intend to get injured. The truth is safety is recognizing a hazard and take steps to avoid injury or death.  Being safe if a process; we learn from our own experience and from others to recognize and avoid hazards.  The more we know, the more injuries can be prevented. This is where MIOSHA’s Consultation, Education, & Training (CET) Division cannot just help you improve your safety and health, but also make it easy. Here are some ways we can help:

·        Consultation services – You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers.  Our consultations can be as simple as a question (“Is there a MIOSHA rule about…”) or a visit to your jobsite. We can provide information and insight regarding hazards, abatement, and compliance.

·        Hazard surveys – Often called a ‘mock inspection’, a Hazard Survey is when a MIOSHA CET consultant visits your office or jobsite to help in the identification of hazards, recommend ways to protect employees (abate the hazard), and discuss compliance requirements. All free of any citations or penalties.  This is an interactive process which focuses on the scope of your actual work and is an excellent way to learn how to protect employees and avoid citations. After the walk, you will receive a written report that outlines the items discussed and recommendations on how to correct the identified hazards. You will also receive documentation that exempts you from a random, programmed enforcement inspection for a specified amount of time.

·        Customized trainings – CET consultants are happy to conduct trainings based on your needs.  Whether it is a 2 hour fall protection training, asbestos awareness classes, or another area you wish to focus on, our consultants can help. We have consultants that specialize in construction safety, general industry safety, as well as industrial hygienist.  Simply contact your local consultant to discuss the possibilities.

·        MIOSHA Training Institute – MTI classes are an excellent way to access focused training classes based on MIOSHA Safety and Health Standards. These classes are offered in half and full day offerings across the State through our cosponsors. While there is a fee for these classes, they can be used to earn certifications or used for college credit through Macomb Community College.

So, let’s treat safety just like every other part of your business: a process that is constantly improved upon.  MIOSHA’s CET consultants are here to help and to make you better. Improving the wellbeing of your workers sends a strong statement about your values, keeps insurance rates low while keeping workers on the job, and can help you become a better contractor.

For more information contact your local ABC Chapter or MIOSHA CET at: 989-517-7720 – www.michigan.gov/miosha - cetrca@michigan.gov or the MIOSHA Alliance Liaison for ABC, Mark Ginter, at 989-280-0546 or ginterm@michigan.gov


Case Law Update: Construction Lien Rights of Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, and Consultants